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Meditation For Beginners

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Are you new to meditation and not sure where to start? It can seem overwhelming when there are so many techniques, apps, and classes out there to choose from. However, beginning a meditation practice doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. In this blog post, we will provide some simple tips on how you can get started with your own meditation journey today! Whether you’re hoping to gain more clarity in your life, reduce stress and anxiety levels, or just take a few moments each day for yourself- these steps will help set the foundation for effective mindfulness practice.

Start with deep breathing exercises, focusing on the inhales and exhales of your breath

Deep breathing has a plethora of benefits that help us stay mindful and present. When we shift our focus to our breathing, it allows for improved concentration, calmer emotions, and increased energy levels. It can also be quite therapeutic to just sit back, close your eyes, and get lost in the tranquility of a slow rhythmical breath that refreshes both the mind and body. Taking even five minutes out of your day devoted solely to deep breathing can do wonders for improving physical and emotional health; there’s no need to worry about having too little time or not doing it perfectly– every inhale and exhale is full of potential and capable of taking us on a journey of peace within ourselves.

Find a comfortable posture to sit in – whether it’s sitting up in a chair or laying down

meditation for beginners

Sitting for hours at a desk can be taxing, so it’s important to find a posture that your body is comfortable in. If sitting up in a chair works for you, great – your back and spine will thank you! If laying down is more suitable, then go with that as well. What’s key here is taking the time to listen to your body and figure out which posture suits you best as an individual. As long as you’re comfortable, that’s all that matters.

Allow your mind to wander without judgement or pressure – bring yourself back to focus when you notice that your thoughts have strayed away

It can be so hard to stay focused and not let your mind wander. But when our minds drift to different ideas, it gives us time to relax, see things from a different perspective, and brainstorm creative solutions to whatever challenges we are currently facing. When we allow ourselves this time, it shouldn’t be full of judgment or pressure. Instead, think of this meandering period as mindfully exploring wherever our thoughts take us. When we notice that our concentration has shifted away from the task at hand, take comfort in knowing that it’s okay for our minds to wander – bring yourself back into focus on your desired train of thought with intention and care towards yourself.

Set an intention for your practice – this could be anything from finding inner peace to increasing your focus

focused meditation, meditation tips for beginners. picture

Setting an intention for your practice can be a powerful way to draw focus and find purpose during times of difficulty. Intention-setting creates a clear space for growth, helping give meaning to your practices and keep you motivated. It might be anything from deepening your understanding of inner peace to increasing resilience and strength, or maybe simply thriving through uncertainty. No matter what your personal goal is, by setting an intention, you’re taking the time every day – however small – to bring yourself closer to that goal. Use the practice of intention-setting as an opportunity to take the steps needed towards creating positive change in your life and achieving a deeper sense of well-being.

Be mindful of how you are feeling throughout the process – take note of any physical sensations and emotions that arise

Taking time to become aware of your emotional and physical well-being throughout any process is essential. Keeping a handle on how you’re feeling can help ensure that you can stay in control and make the right decisions. Even if it’s difficult, take a few moments to pay attention to yourself and be mindful of how you are feeling. Notice if there are any sensations in the body such as tightness in the chest or stomach churning; this will give you an indication of where your stress is most likely located. Additionally, observe any emotions you may be experiencing- these can include anything from dread to excitement about what is occurring. By taking note of these sensations and emotions, you honour yourself by acknowledging them which can ultimately lead to each part being addressed in its own way.

beginners meditation

End each session by reflecting on all that you learned and experienced during meditation

After each meditation session, it is important to take time to reflect on all that you have learned and experienced. Reflection helps the lessons stick with you, allowing your practice to grow and evolve over time. Becoming aware of the changes in yourself will help bring nourishment and care into your practice. Use this time for observation and reflection and witness – with both joy and maybe a little surprise – the transformations of your inner world! Taking this pause will ultimately support your development as a meditator so that you can live a more mindful life day after day.

Meditation is an invaluable tool for developing greater self-awareness, managing stress, and creating positive change in our lives. It’s not just a matter of taking time out of your day to sit still; it’s about the attitude with which you approach it and how it can provide insight into your thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. By becoming mindful of our inner needs, we are better able to understand ourselves and others – and soothe the mind from anxiety or distress. Regularly engaging in meditation practice can provide peace in times of distress and equip us with the tools we need to stay centred at all moments in life. May we each find joy and clarity as we journey through this beautiful practice that has the power to cultivate presence within us.

Click here to read about the benefits of meditation.

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3 thoughts on “Meditation For Beginners”

    1. It’s not something I’m comfortable with. If you want to learn something leave it in the comments and I’ll write a blog on it.

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